About The Summit
Why should you register for this event?
Outcome #1
Discover actionable strategies to balance you & your dog's energy, heal from trauma and increase resilience to stress.
Outcome #2
Gain a deep soul connection with your dog as you re-connect to your own heart and embrace your story
Outcome #3
Unleash your authentic self and uncover a burning desire to take action to make the world a better place for dogs and people
Joan Ranquet -
Animal Communicator
"Human Feelings That Affect Our Pets' Behaviour"
Giveaway - Mini intro to EFT Tapping masterclass
Dr. Laura Donaldson -
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
"Emotional First Aid for You & Your Dog"
Giveaway-Grounding: Dog's Healing from Trauma Webinar
Dr. Rollin McCraty -
"Human Animal Energetic Communication"
Giveaway - Science of the Heart, Exploring the Role of Human Performance Volume 2
Dr. Jeff Feinman -
Holistic Veterinarian & Molecular Biologist
"Healing Through the Energy of Love: Using Positive & Practical Veterinary Spirituality"
Giveaway - Details coming soon!
Dr. Isla Fishburn -
Intuitive Canine Wellness Alchemist &
Shamanic Practitioner
"Returning to Ceremony with Your Canine Friend"
Giveaway - Sacred drumming for you and your dog; Light language bathing for you and your dog
Judy Ramsey -
Animal Chaplain, Shamanic Teacher, Professional Animal Communicator and Interspecies Counselor
"Trauma Stewardship -- Who saved whom?"
Giveaway - 5 Tips for a Closer Relationship with Your Animal Friend
Annika Mcdade -
Professional Behaviour Consultant & Intuitive Connection Coach
"The Secret Life of Dogs & What They Are Here to Teach You"
Giveaway - Free 30 day relationship building challenge
Ginny Jablonski -
Intuitive, Soul Whisperer, Horse Wisdom Facilitator
"A Journey to Self-Awareness"
Giveaway - First Class of online course on Self Awareness
Barbara Buck -
Intuitive Healing Facilitator
Giveaway - Free ebook The Happy Empath: Learn to Love Being Sensitive
Monique Brignoni -
Death Doubla for Pets
"Dying Peacefully is Possible"
Giveaway - Access to the first 6 sessions of my masterclass Walk Your Pet Home
Matt Beisner -
Certified Professional Dog Trainer
"The Powerlessness of Force"
Giveaway - Meet one-on-one with Matt Beisner!
Alison Zeidler -
Holistic Wellness Facilitor
"Unique Self Care Tools for A Deeper Connection to our Hearts"
Giveaway - Four Ways to Ditch Anxiety and Overwhelm
Annie Phenix - Phenix Dogs Canine Behavior Expert
"Learning the WHY of Reactivity"
Giveaway - First three chapters of my best selling new canine behavior book
Dr. Audrey Schnell - Psychologist
"Dogs Have High Emotional Intelligence"
Giveaway - 7 Tips to Immediately Increase Your Emotional Intelligence
Andrew Hale -
Psycologist & Dog Behaviourist
"Creating Emotional Safety for Us & Our Dogs"
Giveaway - Access to Dog Centred Care Video Vault
Juliette Karaman -
Master Coach and Trainer, Somatic & Hypnotherapist
"From Overwhelm to Overflow, a Scrumptious Journey"
Giveaway - Free access to Feel online course
Victoria Haffer -
Energy Alchemist, Intuitive Healer for People and Animals
"Meditation for the Empowered Dog Mom"
Giveaway - Guided Meditation to do with your dog
Michelle Rowihab -
Trauma Informed Certified Coach for Empaths
"Empaths in Relationships"
Giveaway - Free video training on my 4 secrets to setting solid boundaries and actually sticking to them'
Dr. Holly Tett -
Psycologist & Dog Behaviourist
"You Are Not Broken - Healing From Trauma"
Giveaway - Trauma-Informed Care for Dogs Webinar
Jessica Adam - Licensed Professional Councellor
"Acceptance & Control: Loving the Dog Who Is"
Giveaway - "Circles of Control" Worksheet
Hana Mäkinen - Professional Animal Communicator, End of Life, Afterlife and Grief specialist
"Empowering Your Relationship: Navigating your Pet's End-of-Life Journey from Pain to Peace"
Giveaway - A Journal to Guide you in your Journey with your Pet
Dr. Bernadette Hartman -
Master Intuitive Energy Healer and Holistic Veterinarian
"Unlock Your Inner Healing Potential & Create a Deeper Relationship with Your Dog"
Giveaway - 3 Keys to Empowered Living with Your Dog - How to deepen the relationship with yourself and pet
Miranda Wimbush -
Intuitive Energy Healer & Holistic Canine Coach
"Empathic Empowerment: Uncover Who Your Dog Sees you As"
Giveaway- Energy Clearing Meditation for you & your Dog
Dr. Renee Alsarraf -
Veterinary Oncologist
"Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well"
Liz Clifton - Calm Connection Coach
"Enjoy Your Clear Calm Self-Connection Starting with just 3 Seconds A Day"
Giveaway - Access to the Calm Connection Vault
Rachel Pfotenhauer - Founder of Vast-Earth
"Connecting to Earth and Your Dog"
Giveaway - Connect to Earth Meditation
Lena Suarez-Angelino -
Founder, CEO, Therapist
"The Burnout Buddy System: Understanding the importance of a support system beyond your pet"
Giveaway -
You Just Gotta LAUGH - free workbook learning how to ask for help
Katie Wrigley - Transformational Coach
"The Unexpected Bond"
Giveaway - 8 keys to freedom workbook
Anke Herrmann - Dog Lover's Podcast Host
"Trust Your Magnificent Mind: Unleashing your innate confidence and intuition to live and lead without second-guessing yourself"
Giveaway - The Weekly Treat
Monday, November 6th at 9 a.m. ET
Tuesday, November 7th at 9 a.m. ET
Wednesday, November 8th at 9 a.m. ET
Thursday, November 9th at 9 a.m. ET
Friday, November 10th at 9 a.m. ET
How long will bonus replay be available?
The 48-hour replay page will be available until 10 a.m. eastern time on Friday, November 24th..
What does the bonus replay allow me to do?
Watch all 28 interviews and access freebies for 48 hours. If you wish to have unlimited access, don't miss out on the opportunity for 70% off a VIP Pass ($27 USD).
Where can I get my discounted VIP pass?
You can purchase VIP passes here for $27 USD.
You don't want to miss your chance at LIFETIME access to all (+ BONUS) content!
Email: mindfulcanine@gmail.com